Hang in there everyone.

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You are definitely NOT crazy. You are certified sane. Genius. Wise man.

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Good day to you and Tricia, Zeph. Your thoughts, words of wisdom, outlook in general are forever appreciated.

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Hello Zeph. The firewood affect looks very cozy and comfy. Nice looking fiery sparky like view.

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Awesome visual

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

I liked the last one with Benz showing up with the sunrise. 😺

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Nice lighting. The fire light shining on you looks cool.

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There is no way forward until Christ returns. Trump may well be the Antichrist (just guessing) or at least usher him in. Just like he made the country thrive the first 3 years of his presidency and completely trashed the country the last year of his “reign”. Deaths galore. The Bible talks about the 3 1/2 good years and then all hell breaks loose. Sounds like his trial run last time. There is no political solution.

I’m looking for Jesus only! The world is ready for God’s reset.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

If not Trump then defintely Musk. He is going to be instrumental in one world surveillance with his orbital satellte network raining down EMF on everybody. But the AC could also be waiting in the wings to save us after societal collapse.

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Love the hazy yellowish/greenish color tint in this video. Stay strong people! Thanks Z 💪

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Promotion does not come from man but from the Lord.

God raises up kings and puts them down.

Man is to put his trust in God and Jesus to be his King

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American Indians can't complain , it was their fault. Godlessness, rejection of Jesus results in being o ertbrown and enslaved as a sore chastisement from the Lord

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