Again the animals get screwed in the fire .

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Not a darn thing will be done to the perpetrators either. The amount of individuals involved in these crimes and torture of innocent people and animals, is astronomical. Look up your redemption draws nigh.

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You look good man, praise the Lord🔥

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I would like to leave you with two poignant excerpts from Michael Hoffman’s Twilight Language: “The majority of Americans have been processed as initiates. They are ‘Masons on sight,’ i.e. members of the secret society without knowing it . . . The alchemical processing of humanity is ahead of schedule. People are becoming less human and far more numb and easily misdirected, as the Reign of Dead Matter appears on the horizon.” For Hoffman, Dead Matter = Machines. Hoffman continued, “Digitalization has taken command . . . It signifies what John Dee dreamed in the Elizabethan Age, the hegemony of dead matter . . . The scientific dictatorship is here. Skynet is here.”


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Yes, always the two voices in the Bible speaking - be fruitful & multiply - said the snake. The snake & Lamb - quite the spiritual hybrid. Black moon rising - may not be such a bad idea.

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4years ago the homeless tripled around here. I wonder when they’re gonna start “disappearing.”

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Hey Zeph while listening, I was revisiting the old days where after the live, alot of people would use the chat like tweets🤣 We had our own public message board on your page. Everyone we need to ramp that back up, while we still can. There are still spots out here in western nc with no signals, debris clean up is still going on. Some parts look like hiroshima and nagasaki, it's a mess. Temps have been going down to 10f, now by tomorrow afternoon, everything is going to be frozen over. Pray for us.

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I recall those days. We still have the comments section here. 🫡

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LOL. When I hear that Trump is a Hitler I have to laugh. He is and will be the most Zionist President we will ever have. The Jews claim they do not proselytize., Another lie to deal with from these people when we are required to do the Noahide laws.

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There were over 20 arrest in Seattle of paint taggers given felony charges for their constitutional right to free speech and artistic expression- While criminal terrorist burn down LA.

So then:

Punk geeks in Seattle replaced those huge digital construction freeway signs and had them say threats to kill more public policy leaders ceos, elected officials blocking free speech, land rights and constitutional Rights. Then the public messages were Rehacked back to look like the regular construction signs and no one knows how it happen.


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How many times have we heard "we just wanna help, we just wanna make sure everyone is safe." What a crock of BS.

Good job exposing it all Zeph.

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We must help izz & ukc. tRump - the new incarnation of Cyrus - who freed all the slaves of Babylon - not just a select few…

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As for Newsome, can't imagine his reasons for making voters disappear even further. Enriching developers doesn't seem to make sense. But maybe he helps to bring in dense housing for voters at cheap rents. Actually, the state elections are likely fakes. Never mind.

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First Pagan Asheville, now Pagan LA and most of coastal Californica.

Starting to see a pattern?

God has has enough of the Synagogue of Satan.

For those other towns largely inhabited by people that don’t sin, you may be next.

Pray for your forgiveness and Repent.

That goes esp for the fake Christians that worship money, their 401ks (about to crumble) and DJT.


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I am in the valley, and I can see the smoke lining the sky.

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God is with me despite of the witches who rises against me.

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These men who are crying like babies have been castrated by controlling moms and by effeminate fathers. Which is so sad and is an evil agenda against men to castrate men, to neuter men to be more effeminate.

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Hello everyone! Thanks Zeph for this episode. What satanic luciferian assholes to withhold the water to put out the fires! This is done intentionally by design. I hate injustice. God please bring justice by releasing your wrath on all of these tyrant rulers in this nation! in Jesus's name. Amen.

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…a slave does not want freedom… the most ardent desire of a slave is to have his very own slave…

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