I am unsure as to how I came across your substack posts here recently, but my goodness, I am so happy that I did because I have grown so fond of hearing you share your thoughts. Cheers, and congrats for the one year anniversary of escaping the cult of the medics. So many cults, so many cults. Big love to Trish, too.

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I remember one time this Lady (God bless her) but she prayed for the cigarettes to make me sick ...then told me about it later. I didn't quite know what to feel at the time... like maybe she cared so much she wanted me to stop smoking or a curse was just prayed over me. Also I did throw away my record collection that was handed down to me .. same as I've heard you speak of with your art. It was of the devil...so weird. Straight from the other world to the world of the christians. It was mind blowing and I'm still seeing things I missed. I did however move after one moved behind me and they wanted a copy of my house keys....I was prior on drugs and in a mental institution too but made i out of the half way house and rented my own place so it was MY place.I've never really went back to church soon after that. I did still blame myself because what was wrong with me now? But at the same time I knew for a fact that they were not my people and never would be. I have to drink too 😔 it's not all day or anything but past 8pm they may not want to call...I feel like I make alot of sense though. I'm definitely not recommending drinking because I'm trying hard to stop. The next day always sucks and it's gross. I don't want to be lukewarm either though. Keep on keeping on ♥️

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I know exactly what you mean about God’s prophets/bond servants being perceived as being out there. I had a guy a couple weeks ago at my hotel who had quite the testimony. When I saw him on the security camera, I thought “did Jesus just walk into my hotel?” by the way he was dressed! He lived on the road depending the Lord to provide what he needs. The average person would have thought he belonged on a happy farm just looking at him. We had a long discussion witnessing what God has done for us and asked us to do. I was impressed how well he knew the Bible. I have to be honest that if I was called to do what he was asked to do by the Holy Spirit, I would have had a hard time agreeing.

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80/20 rule … the 20% sanity crew clean up the chaos fomented by the 80%.

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[The following is a fictional prophecy for 2025. Despite being fiction, it smells remarkably like reality on the ground in California today.]

The union started at Sierra Club in 1992 as the "John Muir Funky Whores 4 Nancy Reagan". It was a small union. They were just a gang of bitches who would congregate at the Sierra Club on off-nights to whore, take drugs and dabble in witchcraft.

In 2017, these witches refounded and renamed themselves the Progressive Female Workers Union (PFWU). Finally, when Witchcraft was formally recognized as worthy of reparations under the California Persecuted Religions Compensation Act of 2025, it was re-refounded and renamed the Pilfering Witches Union (PWU).

The PWU was born shortly after the passage of the General California Corporate Expropriation & Resource Reallocation Act of 2025 which gave witches jobs transacting and moving drugs for the intelligence "services". This put cash in their pockets and greased their "flying" broomsticks with potent ointments.

Currently, PWU represents almost 666 nonprofit women disassociatively programmed with an improved, modern version of MK-Ultra techniques supercharged with a collage of rituals practiced by diverse human sacrifice traditions from around the world. The PWE will strictly enforce a front that is diverse, equitable and inclusive for as long as that is credible. In reality, they are an exclusively "female" cult of racist man-haters held together by the economies of bulk illicit drug transactions.

Pilfering Witches Union is part of a bolder, but apparently diverse labor movement of Normals fighting against economic, environmental and racial justice. The union is committed to learning and evolving into a "Borg"-like hive mind in exchange for free drugs. The union stands in solidarity against spontaneous individuality or justice wherever and whenever those virtues endanger uniform standards anywhere in the world.

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despite the fiction it certainly smells real! aaaaaauuuuuuuuugggghhhhh!

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I love how Trish laughs at your humor! 🤣 Even tho the stuff we have to experience/ endure is dark & difficult ..it's just so wonderful to laugh and hear others laugh. Sharing testimonies definitely help! I struggle with sharing mine but I know I need too! I wish I could speak with you bc you have an incredible spirit and mind! I'm a bi-racial female in my mid 40's and boy do I have questions! One question I have is how can we even earn income to support ourselves with such strong opposition? Any advice would help greatly! I followed under my pure chance account but locked out. Ugh

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Thanks Zeph for this podcast episode and thanks for sharing your journey with us. Thanks everyone for the likes. Hello everyone! God bless you.

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This is some good talk today!!

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But I'll say it again for the dumb dumbs in the back of the class:

Hundreds of animals from "Lost Angels" are being cargo to (chief) Seattle for refuge.

Natives to the rescue!!! They're bringing cargos of displaced L.A. fire surviving animals from Los Angeles to Seattle to be adopted. The owners... MIA. I live on Tribal land in the Pacific Northwest(PNW). But was born and raised in Silicon valley, CA... back when it was an actual valley, lol. Neighbors across the street had horses and there were folks with ranches and modest homes throughout our the area. We had huge pine and redwood around the home. And my dad, an old trucker and contractor made us a beautiful home and garden decor magazine yard. I went to a k-12th grade Christian private school and summer camp in the Santa Cruz mountains. And as a teen spent a lot of time raving, wet rock scrambling on the beach and hugging "fairies" in old forest. I grew up with old Social justice leaders, writers, artist, Ivy League University academics, old trees, arborist.. I know landscaping. And the trees in the PNW- especially around military areas- they say is old tribal land are less than 70 years old. All the same widths, same distance apart and same height. Stick trees in a landscaping formation, California Redwood would laugh at. Drive away from the city in California and there's miles of uninhabited land. In silicon valley in the 70's you could ride your bike to the hills and see nothing but land as far as the eye could see. All the farm land areas in the valley and desert areas of California are flat and primarily uninhabited. NO PLANTATION HOMES. But you will see plenty of falling "stars" the military shoots down.

We used to go to moffett field as a child to watch fire works. Then during my raves days my geeky punk friends worked at NASA making lasers and tech firms making your (distraction toys) for Apple. While these buildings remained empty just for show since the 80's. Everyone local knew no one REALLY actually worked at NASA... lol.

As a young adult we rented old Victorian homes with our punk band friends IN THE CITY, AKA SAN FRANCISCO.

****No old "plantation" homes in the valley****...Just flat land. It's been flattened many, MANY times and white people really need to see the fake forest for the (burned down) trees and wake the fuk up. And realize the ancient beings you serve are not your friends.

WE Infinite Beings played small, while you played with rope. Run your track race RACIST...lol. We gave white people (and their white supremacy supporters) a false sense of security, so they would never have the Spiritual maturity to Rise above their play pens. WE gave them over to their perverse proclivities, let them have their way. WE gave them tic Tok, podcast and matrix steak. We gave them a false sense of security and trinkets in a trap so they would very easily kill themselves.

Now get yur ass in the helicopter. We got to go. 🥸😎💪✊🇺🇸

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