When you come to the realization that everything in the world is a distraction from creation, things make alot of sense.

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Jesus called them dogs in the streets and swine for a reason. They're everywhere here in Illinois.

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Thank you

I love you, my brother


Love and murder

Have become


The cries of children

Soothing hymns

Filled with hatred

Killing on a whim

Living abominations

Let the slaughter


©️ John Phillip Richardson 2021

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I love this Proverbs 6:16-19. It sooths me to know that God detest of these abominations and for me to practice not to offend God not to so these abominations.

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Thanks Zeph for talking about this very important topic. This podcast show is interesting. God bless you and Patricia.

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The demons love to drink the blood of the innocence, especially drinking the blood of the children. They shred the blood of the innocence to appease to the demons. The demons are addicted to the blood. That's how the witches get their demonic power off of drinking the blood of the innocence. Sahain is coming up in October 31st. Be more vigilant and prayed up people of God. The devil seeks who he can easily devour but God has given us the Holy Spirit fire power to conquer the devil through Jesus Christ and by the blood of Christ. We must apply the blood of Jesus Christ over ourselves, homes , families, and everything concerning us everyday and especially during these upcoming fall/winter holiday seasons coming up.

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There is power in being in the moment. The moment is a place where peace can be maintained. However, the moment flees and that peace has to be continously renewed. Or we have to renew it by scrubbing distractions. The actual peace itself is always present. We have to be present in that peace, in that moment.

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...there is a story...where the Pharaoh found out & threw himself to his death ... off the terrace... he went ... way back then. 😇

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100% Thank you Zeph. 🌷

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...yuval, father of music ...noah ...as in the end times...harari ...mountain dweller. 🍄

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If memory serves, the brother of D. Dunne penned a novel entitled Vegas & the opening page includes the act of sodomy. (sh*t novel by the way.) 🤡

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Murder by suicide. 🧐

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Would those brothers have bothered to have shot up the place over one last sandwich though ?

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Lopez? Any relation to the Newport Mendez clan ? 😆

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