Wow! Incredible info. Great research Zeph.

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Yes and from other sources I saw on youtube, especially from Amazing Discoveries by Walter Veith that the power behind nearly everything you have mentioned, race division, Masonry, division of all sorts is the black pope and Jesuit order. They created the Masonic lodge system to pull protestants into worshipping and following Lucifer, obligating the membership by associating the lodge as a requirement in business circles. A lock in technique spanning all business, organizations, politics, education...a vast global network owned by Rome. Walters lectures are worth watching.

Thanks for another great podcast Zeph!

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This has been engineered since the early 90s my friend and now they have rank and file. So ugly and unholy.

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Yes, we are all slaves of a variety of means. I know that my black race of people are slaves more than the ever have been than when they were enlisted in slave labor trafficking, in so many ways. I am also being enslaved in this covert gs program too like so many other innocent souls. Government is SLAVERY. The more one gets into satanism, the dumber one gets. For all of the ones who are in Christ Jesus despite of being enlisted into modern day slavery programs, are FREE in Christ Jesus from a spiritual point of view. Even though I am being treated as a bond slave in this witchcraft prison that the police has enlisted me in, which is connected to this covert gs program, I am still free in Christ Jesus and I am free through Christ Jesus! God is with me. God is for me. God is on my side. God is on the side of his true people.

The fake Jews are really the dark masons who run things. A lot of us have been deceived in knowing who the real Jews really are.

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Thanks Zeph for this podcast episode I have enjoyed it. Yeah, a lot of satanists are inside of the churches faking to be Christians. No, racism is not started by the church. The church is the entire body of Christ. Racism is more so perpetuated inside of the church system of politics by the some of ones inside of the churches who are participating in the system of racism. It is not about racism. It is about demonic power of Satan. Satan wants to rule and take over everything & everyone, just like he has attempted to do in heaven. The third rank or hierarchy is ruled by higher demonic forces, like spiritual forces in high places. The third rank works for the devil. They are loaded with reptilian demonic spirits who influence them to do the works of darkness against all mankind. They work from a much higher dimension or a much higher player than any of us could ever see or fathom.

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Is Trump black power when he raises his fist???💪🏾✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

Is black power the enemy or the energy Source the entire planet runs on?

Is there something wrong with Power? Power To The People. We The People. "I am the Black Star"- Bowie. Umm you wish. lol. (too many inside jokes). Dark side of the moon. Black hole Sun...

My ex was in that Bowie black star video. He was the Seattle hula hooper shaking his money maker- in the Black Star vid he was the bearded thief on the cross. 💀

Rest in Black Power Bowie.

💪🏾 I was the muse. 👀🫵🏿

The next mass casualty terror attack will be by a bearded motorcycle leather-kink satanist and a truck full of clowns n queers with a gay flag on the dash. With the puppet news saying THEY/ THEM WERE RADICALIZED BY DEEP STATE. LMAO!!!!

🤣jazz hands👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🤗

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Thank you Zeph!!! Uff duh!!!

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Who is (or are) at the top of the third rail?

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You open the door to truth. Thanks.

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